Using Filters

What are the benefits of filtering mentions by domains, authors, hashtags, location, language, platform, date, reach and sentiment?

Filtering by domains, authors, hashtags, location, language, platform, date, reach and sentiment allows you to gain insights into how specific topics are being discussed within a larger conversation. By looking at sentiment and reach, marketers can see which topics are resonating with their audiences and adjust their strategy accordingly. Filtering by language can help identify conversations happening in other languages that may be relevant to their brand. Location-based filters help to identify conversations happening in specific regions or countries that may not be visible on a global scale. Lastly, filtering by platform can provide insights into how conversations differ across different platforms such as Twitter

How does filtering mentions help businesses understand their online presence?

Filtering mentions helps businesses understand their online presence by providing them with an organized and comprehensive overview of what people are saying about them online. This allows businesses to get an accurate picture of their reputation, identify areas of improvement, and monitor brand sentiment. It also helps to inform marketing decisions and provides valuable insights on how customers perceive their brand.

What kind of insights can businesses gain from filtering mentions by domain?

Businesses can gain insights about their online presence on different platforms, such as social media, websites, and blogs. By filtering mentions by domain, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customer’s sentiment and their brand image. They can also monitor customer feedback and identify trends or patterns in customer behavior. Filtering mentions by domain can also help businesses identify influencers, understand the effectiveness of their content marketing strategies, and measure the impact of specific campaigns or initiatives.

How can businesses use hashtags to filter mentions?

Businesses can use hashtags to filter mentions by setting up a search on a social media platform to track mentions of their hashtag. This allows them to quickly identify any mentions of their brand, product, or service. Additionally, businesses can also use hashtags to create campaigns and track engagement with those campaigns. This helps them measure the success of their campaigns and identify influencers who can help spread the message.

How can filtering by location help businesses target relevant audiences?

Filtering by location helps businesses target relevant audiences because it allows them to focus their efforts on reaching people who are likely to be in their target market. For example, if a business is targeting customers in a specific region, they can use location-based filters to ensure that their ads are only seen by people who are likely to be interested in their products or services. Additionally, location-based filtering can help businesses identify potential customers that may not be aware of the business’s offerings.

Does filtering mentions by language improve the accuracy of the results?

Yes, filtering mentions by language can improve the accuracy of the results. This is because mentions in different languages can have different meanings, and using a language filter can help to ensure that only relevant mentions are included in the results. Additionally, a language filter can help to reduce the amount of noise generated by irrelevant mentions in other languages.

How can businesses use platform and date filters to monitor their online reputation?

Businesses can use platform and date filters to monitor their online reputation by using filters to narrow the scope of the search. For example, they can filter their search to only include results from a specific platform (such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook), or within a specific date range. This allows businesses to more easily identify and respond to any online mentions or reviews that might be harmful to their reputation. Additionally, businesses can use this information to understand how their online presence is impacting their customers and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.

what is “undefined” when filtering mentions by domains, authors, hashtags, location, language, platform, date, reach and sentiment?

When filtering mentions by domains, authors, hashtags, location, language, platform, date, reach and sentiment on Kommon Poll “undefined” indicates that the mention has not been assigned to any of the filterable fields. This could be due to a lack of information associated with the mention or other data related issues.

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