Email Reports & Notifications

What are weekly, daily, and spike reports?

Weekly Reports

Weekly reports are reports that are typically generated at the end of the week and summarize the activities that have taken place during that week.

Daily Reports

Daily reports are just like weekly reports, but they only include metrics that can be provided on the day-to-day level.

Spike Reports

Spike reports alert users to a sudden and significant increase in mentions of a certain keyword or phrase.

How often should I set up daily and weekly reports?

This depends on your specific needs. In general, daily reports should be set up to provide an overview of the day’s activities and any notable trends or changes. Weekly reports should be used to review progress over a longer period of time and to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed.

What are the benefits of setting up daily and weekly social mentions reports?

The benefits of setting up daily and weekly social mentions reports are:

1. Monitor brand and product mentions in real-time: Daily and weekly reports can help to monitor brand and product mentions in real-time, allowing companies to take immediate action when required.

2. Track sentiment: Reports can also help track sentiment towards a brand or product, allowing companies to understand how their customers feel about them and take action accordingly.

3. Identify potential crisis issues: Reports can help identify potential crisis issues before they become full-blown problems, allowing companies to address the issue quickly.

What is the purpose of spike notifications in social listening?

Spike notifications in social listening are used to alert users to a sudden and significant increase in mentions of a certain keyword or phrase. This helps users identify sudden changes in the conversation about their brand, allowing them to respond quickly and appropriately.

How can spike notifications be used to gain insights from social media conversations?

Spike notifications can be used to gain insights from social media conversations by allowing users to be notified when there is an increase in the amount of conversations about a particular topic. Spike notifications can alert users to emerging trends that may have gone unnoticed otherwise, and provide an early warning of potential issues or opportunities. Additionally, spike notifications can be used to track the performance of campaigns and identify potential influencers for further engagement.

How can businesses use spike notifications to monitor customer sentiment?

Businesses can use spike notifications to monitor customer sentiment by tracking the frequency, timing, and recency of customer reviews, mentions, and other interactions. This can help businesses identify trends in customer sentiment and alert them to potential issues before they become major problems. Additionally, businesses can use spike notifications to measure customer feedback in real-time and make adjustments to their products or services to better meet customer needs.

How can I set up spike notifications based on changes to “mention count”, “mention reach”, and “influence”?

Spike notifications based on changes to “mention count”, “mention reach”, and “influence” can be set up using Kommon Poll. These tool allow users to establish parameters for specific metrics, such as mention count, and to receive alerts when those metrics reach a predefined threshold. Additionally, they can be used to monitor changes in “mention reach” and “influence” by tracking the number of followers or impressions that mentions of a particular keyword or hashtag generate.

Are there any differences between setting up alerts for “mention count”, “mention reach”, and “influence”?

Yes, there are differences between setting up alerts for “mention count”, “mention reach”, and “influence”. Mention count alerts will notify you when a predetermined number of mentions have been made about the topic, brand, or keyword you are tracking. Mention reach alerts will notify you when a predetermined number of people have been exposed to the topic, brand, or keyword you are tracking. Influence alerts will notify you when a predetermined change to the influence of the topic, brand, or keyword you are tracking.

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